Tulsa North - Pine & PeoriaTransmission Line Rebuild Project
Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) representatives plan to upgrade the electrical transmission system in north Tulsa. Crews plan to begin construction in early 2026 and conclude in spring 2026.
Southwest Power Pool, the regional transmission operator, identified the need to rebuild 6 miles of the Tulsa North - Pine & Peoria Tap transmission line to meet current power demands. The line was built in 1968 and is approaching the end of its planned service life. The planned upgrades improve area reliability and reduce the likelihood of large, community-sustained power outages.
Project Updates
Early 2025: PSO representatives hosted an in-person open house on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025, at the Tulsa Dream Center (North Campus) basketball gym at 200 W. 46th S. N., in Tulsa. Landowners affected by the project were invited to attend the open house to learn more about the project, the construction process and PSO's vegetation management program.
Contract Land Staff (CLS) serves as PSO’s right-of-way representative for this project. CLS right-of-way agents plan to contact affected landowners to discuss field activities, easement acquisition and construction.
Late 2024: Survey crews from Surveying and Mapping, LLC (SAM), plan to conduct boundary survey activities along the line route in late 2024. Some of these activities may include placing stakes and ribbon on properties. Later in the year and into 2025, crews plan to conduct survey activities to locate buried utilities along the power line route. Crews also plan to conduct engineering surveys using equipment to collect soil samples at select locations along the power line route. This work is necessary to inform engineering design plans.
PSO representatives plan to host an in-person open house in early 2025 for affected members of the public to learn more about the project from project team members. More details on the open house will come in the future.
PSO representatives plan to use steel single poles on this project.
Structure Height: Approximately 90 feet*
Typical Distance Between Structures: Approximately 300
Typical Right-of-Way Width: 50 feet (25 feet from centerline)**
*Exact structure types and height may vary.
**Right-of-way widths may vary along the route due to proximity of underground utilities and nearby structures.
Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesPublic Service Company of Oklahoma serves 538,000 customers in Oklahoma.
Matthew Hames
Project Outreach Specialist
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