Clinton - Foss TapTransmission Line Rebuild Project
Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) representatives plan power grid upgrades to the 69-kilovolt Clinton Junction-Clinton City and Foss Water Plant Tap electric transmission lines. This project involves rebuilding about 18 miles of power line with steel single-pole structures.
Project Updates
Spring 2024: As this project has evolved, the timeline has shifted. PSO representatives plan to start pre-construction activities in spring 2024 to prepare the right-of-way for construction. This work may include:
- Spring 2024
- Placing stakes and ribbon within the company's easement on your property
- Trimming or removing trees and other woody-stemmed vegetation, as appropriate, within the transmission line right-of-way
- Late Spring 2024
- Installing temporary gates, fencing and access roads
- Installing culverts for water management
PSO representatives plan for transmission line construction to begin in early summer 2024 and conclude in spring 2025:
- Foss Tap - Water Treatment Plant section (approximately 13 miles): construction from early summer 2024 through fall 2024
- Clinton City Substation - Foss Tap section (approximately 3 miles): construction from fall 2024 through late 2024
- Clinton Junction Substation - Foss Tap section (approximately 3 miles): construction from early 2025 through spring 2025.
Summer 2023: PSO representatives plan to start pre-construction activities in late 2023. These activities may include:
- Removing woody-stemmed vegetation from the right-of-way
- Installing temporary gates, fencing and access roads
- Installing culverts for water management
Crews plan to start rebuilding the Clinton City - Clinton Junction transmission line in early 2024 immediately following the installation of gates and culverts. PSO representatives expect construction on this section to conclude in spring 2024.
Shortly thereafter, PSO representatives plan to start pre-construction activities on the Foss Tap section, with transmission line construction starting in late spring 2024 and concluding in late 2024.
Early 2023: As PSO representatives prepare to rebuild the line, crews plan to start installing gates and culverts in early March on select properties along the power line route. These allow PSO representatives to safely access areas within the company’s easements. Crews plan to conclude this work by the end of March, weather permitting. Crews plan to start rebuilding the Clinton Junction - Clinton City portion of this project in mid-March. PSO representatives expect crews to work until late spring, when they will observe a mandatory stoppage due to peak power demand in the summer months. Crews will resume work in early fall and finish that section by late 2023. Construction on the Foss Tap portion of this project will start in early 2024. PSO representatives expect the project to finish in spring 2024.
Late Fall 2022: As PSO representatives prepare to rebuild the line, crews plan to start installing gates and culverts in mid-January 2023 on select properties along the power line route. These allow PSO representatives to safely access areas within the company’s easements*. Crews plan to conclude this work by the end of January 2023, weather permitting. Crews plan to start rebuilding the Clinton Junction - Clinton City portion of this project in February 2023. The Foss Tap portion of this project will start in early 2024. PSO representatives expect the project to finish in spring 2024.
Spring 2021: PSO crews and contractors performed preliminary surveying work.
*Easements are defined land rights that property owners grant the utility to allow for the safe construction, operation and maintenance of the power line.

Typical Structure Height: *Approximately 85 feet
Typical Distance Between Structures: *Approximately
300 feet
*Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary.
Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesPublic Service Company of Oklahoma serves 538,000 customers in Oklahoma.
Matthew Hames
Project Outreach Specialist
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