Stuart - SeamanTransmission Line Rebuild Project
AEP Ohio representatives plan power grid upgrades to improve electric service reliability for customers in Adams County. The Stuart-Seaman Transmission Line Rebuild Project involves updating about 29 miles of power line. Plans call for rebuilding the power line in the existing right-of-way, although company representatives might need to acquire new or supplement current easements to ensure the safe construction, operation and maintenance of the line.
Project Updates
Early 2025: Construction began in 2021 and concludes late 2024. AEP representatives expect to finish restoration in late 2025.

This project involves the use of steel, H-frame poles.
Structure Height: Approximately 70 feet*
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet*
*Exact structure types, height and right-of-way requirements may vary
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field ActivitiesAEP Ohio provides electricity to nearly 1.5 million customers.
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