AEP Ohio representatives plan to upgrade the electric transmission network serving customers in Athens County.
The Athens Area Improvements Project involves:
*Mileage depends on proposed final line route determination.
Installing an additional power line in the area enhances area reliability so that if one line experiences an outage, the other line can continue to serve customers. This operational flexibility reduces the number and duration of outages to area customers. Without these enhancements, the area's power demand could exceed the line's operational capacity and cause larger, sustained community power outages. Upgrading and retiring deteriorating equipment reduces the need for frequent power line maintenance.
Company representatives plan to evaluate study segments to build a power line and rebuild existing power lines. Study segments are multiple alternatives presented to determine a line route. Company representatives do not build all study segments, rather, they select one route to build based on public feedback and feasibility.
This project requires Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval.
Fall 2024: The project team is currently evaluating the feedback received from the November 14th open house. We encourage the community to visit the virtual open house using the link to the right to access information, view the project map and submit comments. Please submit comments by December 6.
Company officials plan to host a second open house in early 2025.
The project involves the use of single steel poles.
Pole Height Range: 80-100 feet
Right-of-Way Width: 100 feet
*Exact structure types, height and right-of-way requirements may vary
AEP Ohio provides electricity to nearly 1.5 million customers.
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