Middle Creek - PrestonsburgTransmission Line Rebuild Project

Kentucky Power officials plan to upgrade the electric transmission grid in Floyd County.

The project involves:

  • Rebuilding approximately 9 miles of electric transmission line to 69-kV standards between Middle Creek and Prestonsburg substations
  • Retiring approximately 9 miles of 46-kV electric transmission line following construction
  • Acquiring new easements for the safe operation of the power line

This project allows crews to replace transmission line that dates back to the 1940s. The existing line has experienced multiple power outages in recent years

The proposed upgrades:

  • Strengthen the local electric system
  • Increase electric reliability for area customers
  • Prepare the electric system for growth in the area by building the line to 69-kV standards
  • Allow crews to retire the existing transmission line that is difficult to maintain due to terrain

Project Updates

February 2023: Company representatives have determined a proposed power line route after reviewing future land use, environmental impacts and input gathered from community open houses and landowner meetings.

Kentucky Power representatives have placed the project on hold and are delaying submission to the Kentucky Public Service Commission. Company representatives plan to communicate with impacted landowners when project activity resumes.

December 2022: Kentucky Power representatives hosted an in-person open house on December 5, 2022 to provide an opportunity for residents to meet and talk with project representatives.

November 2022: Kentucky Power representatives announced the Middle Creek - Prestonsburg Transmission Line Rebuild Project. We will host an in-person open house in your area to provide an opportunity for residents to meet and talk with project representatives. Since there is no formal presentation, residents may join the planned event at any time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Jenny Wiley State Resort Park Wilkinson/Stumbo Convention Center
    419 Jenny Wiley Drive Prestonsburg, KY 41653

Also, we invite you to review this website and enter our virtual open house to learn more and share your feedback. For the virtual open house, please use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari internet browsers for the best user experience. You may submit comments and questions about the project through the "Contact Us" link on this page. Please share your input by Monday, December 5.

Project Releases


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Crews plan to install steel H-frame, lattice tower and three-pole structures along the line route.

Typical Structure Height: 80 - 100 feet*
Typical Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet*

At Kentucky Power, we are committed to meeting the energy needs of customers while protecting the environment and natural beauty of the region.

*Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary

Project Maps

Please note that these maps are preliminary and do not reflect any final power line route decisions.


Step 1: Below is an Overview Map that displays the entire project area. Please use the Overview Map to find the general location of your property.


Step 2: Each outlined area on the Overview Map represents a single, numbered Map Page that shows that section in greater detail. Visit the appropriate Map Page below for your area.


Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

Kentucky Power serves approximately 163,000 customers in eastern Kentucky.


Nicole Hodges

Project Outreach Specialist

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