AndersonArea Improvements Project
I&M representatives plan to upgrade the electric transmission network serving customers in Madison County. The Anderson Area Improvements Project involves rebuilding about 4 miles of power line to increase electric reliability in the area. Plans call for rebuilding the transmission line in the existing right-of-way, though in some areas it might need to be widened to ensure the safe construction, operation and maintenance of the line.
Project Updates
Fall 2024: As the project progresses, I&M representatives continue to work on the design and engineering of the upgrade to the power grid. As a result, the project timeline has shifted, and construction is expected to begin fall 2028.
Contract Land Staff (CLS) continues to represent I&M on this project. Property owners in the area can expect to hear from a CLS right-of-way agent to discuss field activities and easement acquisition prior to construction.


This project involves the use of single steel poles.
- Average Structure Height: 70-100 feet*
- Average Right-of-Way Width: 100 feet*
* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field ActivitiesIndiana Michigan Power serves 575,000 customers in Indiana and Michigan.
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