IlesboroImprovements Project

AEP Ohio representatives plan power grid upgrades in northern Vinton County. The project involves building just under 2 miles of 138-kilovolt transmission line and a switch to isolate equipment from the power grid. Upgrades improve power grid functionality and operation.

Project Updates

Summer 2024: Construction began on this project early 2024 and AEP Ohio crews expect construction to conclude by fall.

Project Releases


Project Map (PDF)


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Structure type varies depending on location and engineering design. Company engineers strive to limit the impact of the line on its surroundings while maintaining a buildable design.

Structure Height Range: 60-100 feet
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field Activities

AEP Ohio provides electricity to nearly 1.5 million customers.

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