Trap HillArea Transmission Line Project
Appalachian Power representatives plan to increase electric reliability by making upgrades to the power grid serving customers in Raleigh and Wyoming counties.
The Trap Hill Area Transmission Line Project involves building approximately 6 miles of electric transmission line and a new electrical station. The project replaces outdated equipment inside three stations to strengthen the transmission grid.
Project Updates
07/24/24: Construction has been completed and the project is now in service.
07/27/23: Crews are currently finishing up access roads and building the new transmission line. All construction is expected to be complete by early 2024.
04/23/21: The project team has determined a proposed line route after reviewing input from landowners and community members. Landowners along the line route can expect to hear from the right-of-way contractor representing Appalachian Power in the coming months. To view the proposed line route, click on the "Map" tab below.
01/28/21: Project representatives encourage landowners to submit their feedback about the project by Friday, February 26. To provide comments on how this project affects your property or to provide special conditions related to your property, please use the comment from below or call 833-313-3743.
Project Releases
Project Map (PDF)
Proposed Line Route (PDF)


Crews plan to build the transmission line primarily using steel H-frame poles and towers. Proposed structures vary depending on the location.
At Appalachian Power, we are committed to meeting the energy needs of customers while protecting the environment and natural beauty of the region.
Structure Height: Approximately 70-100 feet*
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet*
*Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary
Project Maps
Please note that these maps are preliminary and do not reflect any final power line route decisions.
Step 1: Below is an Overview Map that displays the entire project area. Please use the Overview Map to find the general location of your property.
- Overview Map (PDF)
Step 2: Each outlined area on the Overview Map represents a single, numbered Map Page that shows that section in greater detail. Visit the appropriate Map Page below for your area.
- Detailed Map 1 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 2 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 3 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 4 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 5 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 6 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 7 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 8 (PDF)
- Detailed Map 9 (PDF)
Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field ActivitiesAppalachian Power serves approximately 1 million customers in West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee.
Cortney Mustard
Project Outreach Specialist
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