Chemical - South CharlestonTransmission Rebuild Project

Appalachian Power representatives plan to upgrade the electric transmission grid in Kanawha County.

The Chemical-South Charleston Substation Rebuild Project involves upgrading the Chemical Substation, rebuilding the South Charleston Substation and approximately 1 mile of transmission line in the city of South Charleston.

Construction begins fall 2022 and concludes by the fall of 2023.

Project Updates

12/14/2021: Project representatives encourage landowners to submit their feedback about the project by Friday, January 14. To provide comments on how this project affects your property or to provide special conditions related to your property, please use the contact form below, or call 833-313-3743.


Project Timeline



At Appalachian Power, we are committed to meeting the energy needs of customers while protecting the environment and natural beauty of the region.

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way requirements may vary



Substations serve as electrical intersections converting the power to voltage levels for use in homes, businesses and industrial facilities.

*Substation shown is a general depiction of the proposed facility that will be built for this project. It does not represent final design.


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Appalachian Power serves approximately 1 million customers in West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee.

Jessica Wright Lemons

Project Outreach Specialist

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