Independence Area ProjectTransmission Line Upgrades

Appalachian Power representatives plan upgrades to the electric transmission system in Grayson County. The Independence Area Project: Transmission Line Upgrades involves building about 15 miles of 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line. The upgrades provide a second source of power, increasing reliability for area customers.

Project Updates

06/03/24: Appalachian Power representatives plan to present to the Town of Independence on June 6th. We previously announced that construction would begin this summer. Due to project schedule changes, construction activities are being postponed until 2026. Right-of-way agents will continue working with landowners.

08/02/23: Company representatives are completing environmental studies and working with impacted landowners. Construction is expected to begin summer 2024.

11/28/22: Right-of-way agents are reaching out to landowners along the line route to discuss property impacts in more detail and acquire easements. The project team plans to obtain needed approvals from the town of Independence in spring 2023. Tree clearing of the right-of-way is expected to begin in the summer of 2024.

05/05/22: Company representatives have determined a proposed power line route after reviewing land use, environmental impact and community input provided during an in-person open house held last fall. Landowners along the proposed line route can expect to hear from Appalachian Power’s right-of-way representative on the project.

01/31/22: Appalachian Power representatives are still working to determine a proposed line route. The project team is reviewing feedback from the open house and conducting field visits.

11/03/2021: Appalachian Power invites community members and landowners in the project area to an in-person open house on Tuesday, November 16th from 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. at Grayson County High School, 110 Blue Devil Drive, Independence, VA 24348

Project Releases

News Release - November 3, 2021 (PDF)


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Crews plan to build the line using mainly steel H-frames or single-pole structures depending on the route selected and final engineering. At certain locations, crews could use lattice towers, or three-pole structures.

Structure Height: Approximately 85 feet*
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 100 feet*

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field Activities

Appalachian Power serves approximately 1 million customers in West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee.

Cortney Mustard

Project Outreach Specialist, Sr.

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