Lon Hill - WarburtonTransmission Improvements Project

AEP Texas representatives plan to upgrade the local power grid by improving facilities along an area electric transmission line. Project plans involve rebuilding approximately 58 miles of 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between Corpus Christi and Victoria. These improvements ensure reliable electric service to the area by upgrading aging equipment with modern equipment. Crews expect to begin construction in early 2022 and conclude in spring 2024.

Project Updates

Right of Way Service, Inc. (ROWS) represents AEP Texas right-of-way on this project. ROWS right-of-way agents began communicating with landowners along Segment 1 last fall. ROWS, Inc., agents plan to continue right-of-way communications along Segment 2 and Segment 3 in the coming months.


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Typical Structure Height: Approximately 75 feet
Typical Distance Between Structures: Approximately 600 feet
Typical ROW Width: Approximately 100 feet

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

AEP Texas serves more than 900,000 electric consumers in the deregulated Texas marketplace.


Adriana Knight

Project Outreach Specialist

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