Blessing - CelaneseTransmission Line Rebuild Project
AEP Texas representatives plan to upgrade the local electric transmission grid in Matagorda County. The Blessing - Celanese Transmission Line Rebuild Project involves rebuilding about 12 miles of electric transmission line to enhance electric reliability for area customers.
This project is endorsed by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) who oversees the electrical grid within the state of Texas.
AEP Texas crews plan to install steel single poles on this project.
Typical Structure Height: 90 feet*
Typical Distance Between Structures: 800 feet*
Right-of-Way Width: 100 feet*
*Exact structure types, height and right-of-way requirements may vary
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesAEP Texas serves more than 900,000 electric consumers in the deregulated Texas marketplace.
Adriana Knight
Project Outreach Specialist
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