Lawton - Lone GroveTransmission Line Rebuild Project
Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) representatives plan to improve the electric transmission system in Comanche, Stephens and Carter counties. The Lawton - Lone Grove Transmission Line Rebuild Project involves rebuilding approximately 72 miles of transmission line in southwestern Oklahoma to increase reliability and strengthen the local power grid. Crews plan to begin construction in fall 2026 and conclude by early 2028.
The Lawton - Lone Grove Transmission Line Rebuild Project is part of the larger Southern Oklahoma Transmission Improvements Project. To learn more about this project, click HERE.
Project Updates
Early 2025: As this project has evolved, the timeline has shifted. Crews planned construction to begin in summer 2026 and conclude in early 2028. Now, PSO representatives expect pre-construction activities such as right-of-way access preparation to begin in summer 2027, followed by transmission line construction in early fall 2027. Company representatives expect construction to conclude in spring 2029.
O.R. Colan Associates (ORC) serve as PSO’s right-of-way representative for this project. ORC right-of-way agents continue to contact affected landowners to discuss field activities, easement acquisition and construction.
Spring 2024: O.R. Colan Associates (ORC) serve as PSO’s right-of-way representative for this project. ORC right-of-way agents are contacting affected landowners to discuss field activities, easement acquisition and construction.
PSO representatives expect pre-construction activities such as right-of-way access preparation to begin in summer 2026, followed by transmission line construction in fall 2026. Company representatives expect construction to conclude in early 2028.
Early 2024: As this project has evolved, the timeline has shifted. Crews planned construction to begin this summer and conclude in late 2025. Now, PSO representatives expect pre-construction activities such as right-of-way access preparation to begin in summer 2026, followed by transmission line construction in early fall 2026. Company representatives expect construction to conclude in early 2028.
Summer 2023: Right-of-way agents continue to contact affected landowners to discuss field activities, easement acquisition and construction. As this project has evolved, the timeline has shifted. PSO representatives expect transmission line construction to begin in summer 2024 and conclude in late 2025.

Crews plan to install steel Breakthrough Overhead Line Design® (BOLD) structures, which are more efficient than conventional transmission structures.
Typical Structure Height: Approximately 135 feet*
Typical Distance Between Structures:
Approximately 1,150 feet*
Typical ROW Width: 150 feet*
*Exact structure, height, and right-of-way requirements may vary
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesPublic Service Company of Oklahoma serves 538,000 customers in Oklahoma.
Matthew Hames
Project Outreach Specialist
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