Roselms - KalidaArea Improvements Project

The Roselms-Kalida Area Improvements Project involves rebuilding about 30 miles of power line and building about 10 miles of power line.

Company representatives plan to update, supplement and acquire new easements where necessary. Improvements reduce the likelihood of power outages and speed recovery of service when outages occur.

Project Updates

Fall 2024: Company representatives plan to begin construction in spring 2025 and expect completion in summer 2027.

Summer 2021: After reviewing input from landowners, company representatives announced final line route plans for the new power line. Right-of-way agents are discussing plans with landowners.

To view the previously recorded Town Hall event on March 18, 2021, please click on the link below

Thursday, March 18, 2021
Roselms-Kalida Live Virtual Town Hall


Project Map (PDF)


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The project involves the use of single, steel poles.

Structure Height: Approximately 80 feet
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 60 feet

*Exact structure types, height and right-of-way requirements may vary


Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

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