Northeast Holmes CountyImprovements Phase II

AEP Ohio representatives plan to upgrade the electric transmission network serving customers in Holmes County.

The project involves:

  • Building 4 miles of 69-kilovolt transmission line between the Winesburg Switch, located on Route 160 east of Winesburg, and the Alpine Substation, located off U.S. Highway 62 in Wilmot
  • Building Alpine Substation

The area currently receives power from a single power line and has experienced several outages in the last five years. Building a new power line creates a second source of electricity and supports increasing electricity demand. In the event a line experiences an outage, the other line can continue to serve customers. A stronger transmission grid benefits the local distribution companies and cooperatives, such as Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, who receive power from the transmission lines.


Project Updates

Fall 2022: The project team determined a proposed final line route after reviewing input from landowners and community members following AEP Ohio's project announcement and open house in June. Landowners along the proposed route can expect to hear from a right-of-way agent to discuss their property.



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Crews plan to build the line using single steel poles.

Typical Structure Height: 70 FEET
Typical Right-of-Way Width: 60 FEET*

*Exact structure, height and right-of-way requirements may vary


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