
Flournoy - HardyTransmission Improvements Project

Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) representatives plan to rebuild and upgrade approximately 10 miles of 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line. This project strengthens the local electric system and provides more reliable service for the Shreveport region.

Wooden pole structures more than 50 years old and outdated wire components along the route require replacement to ensure continued electric reliability. Replacing existing poles with modern steel structures, updating wire components and upgrading area substations decreases the likelihood of larger, sustained community outages.

Project Updates

SWEPCO representatives held a virtual town hall August 12, 2021, that included a presentation from project team members, and a question and answer session.

Click here to view a recording of the virtual town hall.


Project Timeline



SWEPCO plans to use steel poles with a vertical or Delta wire configuration.

Typical Distance Between Structures: 300 feet
Typical Structure Height: 70 feet
Typical Right-of-Way Width: 100 feet

*Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

SWEPCO serves 535,000 customers in western Arkansas, northwest and central Louisiana, northeast Texas and the Texas Panhandle.

Michael Harris

Project Outreach Specialist

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